
Compliance police

The Compliance Unit’s primary functions are:

  • Conduct audits of law enforcement agencies’ peace officer applicants and community colleges’ law enforcement open enrollee students. The audits ensure that the applicants meet the AZPOST minimum qualifications and standards to become a peace officer in Arizona.

  • Conduct audits of current Arizona peace officers to ensure they meet the annual training requirements to maintain their AZPOST peace officer certification. 

  • Evaluate a previously certified peace officer’s training (out of state or lapsed) to determine if they are eligible to participate in the “Waiver Testing” process. 

  • Review agency investigations involving allegations of misconduct by Arizona certified peace officers relating to violations of AZPOST Rules. The Compliance Specialists present the findings from their investigation to the AZPOST Board.  The Board makes a determination whether to pursue further action against the peace officer’s law enforcement certification. Final action could include: revocation, suspension, denial, or take no-action.

AZPOST manages individual officer certifications by ensuring adherence to minimum standards for hiring, training, and officer conduct.  Click to see rules

  1. The first step in filing a complaint against an officer is to contact the Internal Affairs/Professional Standards area of the involved police department/sheriff’s office. 
  2. After the agency has investigated your complaint, you may share your concerns with AZPOST.  (Click Here)
  3. AZPOST will review the information provided regarding your concerns, and if a potential AZPOST Rule violation is identified, may request further information from the involved agency.
  4. Agencies are responsible for investigating officer misconduct. AZPOST will review sustained allegations of misconduct that violate AZPOST rules.
  5. AZPOST focuses on the certification of individual officers. Complaints against a law enforcement agency should be directed to other entities.